Carpon Kaduhung

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(Foto: Radar Bone)

Ku Eri Eriyani, S.Pd.

MANG Soma keur ngulampreng, kukurilingan néangan penumpang. Supir tea atuh, pagaweanna nya neangan penumpang. Taya kajaba. Laju ngakut muatan ka mana karep penumpang. Ngan harita mah rada oge kagebah, kaget, Mang Soma teh. Sabot ngalieuk tea ka lebah kalereun jalan, sabrehan katempo siga aya anakna dibabawa dina mobil sédan, asup ka hiji hotél nu aya di sabrangeun jalan. Mang Soma ngahuleng, antara percaya teu percaya. Naha geuning eta budak mirip anakna. Ngagerentes jero dada, ngarerema sorangan yén nu dibawa na mobil sédan téh lain anakna.

Ah, moal mungkin. Lain, lain anak aing. Komo dibawa ka hotel mah. Da keur sakola si Rika mah, kitu gerentes haténa. Tuluy Mang Soma indit, ngajalankeun deui mobilna, rék néangan muatan. Layung geus hibar, nyedek ka magrib. Wanci harita Mang Soma karék balik. Laju masihkeun setoran ka dunungannana. Béres setor, manehna gura-giru balik.

Satepina ka imah, Mang Soma tuluy nanya ka pamajikannana, “Nyi, ari si Rika aya teu?”

“Aya di kamarna, Kang, ti barang uih sakola ogé. Ku naon kitu? Tumbén Akang dongkap-dongkap langsung naroskeun si Rika?” tembal pamajikana semu héran.

“Henteu, Nyi, teu aya nanaon,” témbalna pondok, bari ngaléos nyorén anduk, langsung ka cai. Ti dinya haténa ngemplong lantaran bener budakna sakola tur aya di imah.

Tapi bet ngung-ngeng caritaan tatangga, ti ditu ti dieu, ngeunaan anakna, si Rika, nu cenah sok sering gunta-ganti lalaki. Tur sok dibabawa ka hotél. Kantenan Mang Soma ngarasa hariwang, naha bener anakna kitu peta.

Jol aya lalaki nganjang ka imahna. Umurna katingalina mah béda jauh ti Rika. Tapi bet ngaku-ngaku kabogoh Rika. Asa teu imbang. Eta lalaki ngaku ngaran Usman.

“Nyi, saha éta lalaki di hareup? Geuning katingalina léngkét pisan jeung Rika?”

“Éta téh pan kabogoh anak urang. Jalmana beunghar, Kang,” tembal pamajikannana bari ditompokeun kana ceuli Mang Soma. Mang Soma kerung. Sabaliknya jeung pamajikana. Pamajikanna mah jiga nu atoh kacida, duméh téa éta lalaki nu cenah kabohoh Rika téh ngakuna mah jalma beunghar. Ceuk pamikirna, kulawarga bakal kabawa beunghar.

“Urang mana, Nyi?” Mang Soma, semu nu panasaran.

“Duka atuh, Kang. Taroskeun baé ka jinisna!”

“Jééh, Akang mah naros sotéh melang da si Rika mah masih kénéh sakola, piraku papacangana geus meunang umur kitu,” ceuk Mang Soma rada ngageuri. Pamajikana henteu némbal, tuluy baé ngaléos bari nanggeuy baki rék mairan sémah. Mang Soma teu lémék teu nyarék. Ukur bisa cicing. Tapi haténa mah geus kumerot hayang pok nyarita ka éta lalaki.

Beuki dieu beuki katingal goréngna éta lalaki. Ampir unggal poé nganjang ka imah bari jeung geus teu apal kana waktu. Atuh tatangga mah parahang nyaritana. Nganggapna kolotna teu bisa ngawarah anak.

Hiji waktu, pasosoré Mang Soma ngahajakeun balik beurang kénéh. Da eta, hayang nyarita ka lalaki anu ngaran Usman téa. Ceuk pikirna, Usman geus ngaleuleuwihi bates nyémah. Sok komoning nu jadi anakna, Rika, geus wani léléndéan ka éta lalaki. Tapi anehna, pamajikanna mah kalah ngantep karep. Beunang kaolo ku anak. Mun disebutkeun mah saruana.

“Jang Usman, punten sanés Bapa alim kaanjangan, sanés Bapa ngusir. Bapa téh isin ku cariosan tatanggi,” Mang Soma.

“Nya kunaon, Pa? Da abdi mah henteu macem-macem ka Rika,” témbal éta lalaki.

“Sanés kitu, Jang. Bapa mah isin wungkul, pédah tatanggi nyararios baé lantaran Jang Usman hampir unggal dinten ka dieu. Teras kadang Rika sok ngahaja ngabolos sakola. Bapa percaya ka Jang Usman, tapi…” Mang Soma nyaritana teu kebat lantaran Usman langsung némpas caritaan, bari langsung pamitan.

“Mangga atuh, Pa, ari kitu mah,” ceuk Usman bari tuluy ngaléos. Teu sirikna ngusap birit bari indit.

Ningali pamolah Usman saperti kitu, Rika baeud ka bapana. Anggapanana, bapana ngusir kabogohna. Henteu nyaah ka nu ka nu jadi anak. Henteu hayang ningali anak senang. Ari nu jadi bapa, beda deui. Saha kolotna nu teu hayang anakna senang. Tapi ari kitu carana mah salah. Lamun diantep, sarua baé kolot teh rek nguclungkeun anak. Komo éta anak ngan hiji-hijina.

Rika tuluy ngaléos ka kamer, bari ngajeblugkeun panto satakerna. Gaur manéhna ceurik. Ningali pamolah anakna kitu, atuh Mang Soma ambek kacida. Ambek, lain keuheul. Tapi ambek bakat ku nyaah bae ka nu jadi anak. Saha nu hayang anakna dikekewek ku lalaki lain muhrim.

“Jééh… ari nu kolot ngomomg kitu mah wajar, saking hémanna ka nu jadi anak, bapa téh. Ceuli asa geus rawing ngadéngé manéh sering dibabawa ku lalaki. Komo aya nu ngomong dibawa ka hotél mah. Bapa mah…”

Can gé panjang lébar nyarita, nu jadi pamajikana langsung nempas omongan salakina. Baruk teh kabisana ngan ukur nyalahkeun. Ti dinya Mang Soma jeung pamajikana ribut, pacental basa alatan ku paripolah anakna. Pamustungan, pamajikannana kuat ka ngusir sagala, tuluy ménta dipegat.

Lebay nya eta pamajikan teh. Padahal kawin teh mahal, pipirakan mahal deuih. Bet menta dipirak sagala keding.

Atuh gejlig baé indit Mang Soma téh indit, bari mawa buntelan pakéan. Nu dijugjugna iah nu jadi kolotna. Dalah di kumaha, mana kitu ogé rumah tanggana ngan ukur népi ka dinya, alatan nu jadi pamajikan kitu peta, jeung nu jadi anakna hésé pisan di bawa bener

Tilu bulan ti harita, Mang Soma ngadéngé. hawar-hawar, yén si Neng Rika hamil, tapi taya nu tanggung jawab. Da jang Usman nu jadi kasang tukangna bet jiga nu embung katempuhan. Neng Rika ukur wasa nyurucudkeun cipanon. Kaduhung sagede gunung. Teu ngadéngé papagah nu jadi bapa. Indungna nya kitu kénéh, asa wiwirang di kolong catang nya gede nya panjang. Bet getas harupateun, kumawani ngusir nu jadi salaki. Rék ka saha nya ngumaha mun geus kieu?***

Eri Eriyani, S.Pd., Guru Bahasa Sunda SMAN 1 Kadugede Kabupaten Kuningan

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  6. LetsPlayUno The game controller than chooses the person the others are trying to guess – but doesn’t tell anyone. Then you play through the game as you usually would, with each participant taking turns to ask those common questions – is it a girl, is it a boy, do they have a beard, are they wearing a hat and so on. The controller answers those yes or no questions. To eliminate people from the game (like flipping down the picture card in Guess Who?) they just turn off their camera, leaving those remaining characters still in the game. Through a process of elimination you can get down to the last character.  A virtual cocktail hour is a great way to encourage coworkers to kick back and have fun. To make this event more interactive, ask all participants to mix a drink. You can ask one team member to teach the group how to make a drink step by step. Or, watch a YouTube video on making a fancy cocktail together. To be considerate, try to keep the ingredients simple. Also, give participants time to buy any items they might need, and consider sending a stipend to cover the cost of supplies.
    Gio Corsi, Sony’s senior director of developer relations at the time, dismissed the idea of crossplay, noting that “cross-platform play is not a slam dunk no matter the size of the title” — a clear reference to Epic’s flex about Fortnite’s dominance on PlayStation. “As you know, many companies are exploring this idea and not a single one can explain how cross-console play improves the PlayStation business,” said Corsi. On all platforms, Fortnite’s Squad Fill parties (see the gallery above) refer to players on whatever platform that you’re playing on. As a concession to those who don’t want to play with console or mobile players, the Fill option is disabled when you’re in a cross-platform party on Mac and PC.

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