Incu Abah

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Kang Yatno, (Foto: Dok. Pribadi).

Ku Suryatno Suharma

SAKOLA teh gampang sarta murah. Naon sababna? Ih, pan rea sakola ayeuna mah. Komo deui zaman kiwari, meh unggal lelewek aya nu diajar calistung.

Enya, memang bener. Tandana, yen diajar teh bisa iraha, jeung di mana bae. Turta teu kudu katalikung ku umur.

Enya kitu?

Ih, benul! Bener sarta betul! Anu matak… Gampang da guruna oge geus rea. Samalah, indung-bapa geus kungsi jadi guru. Gara-gara korona gitu, loh!

Lanceuk ge loba nu ngadadak ngajar adina. Alatan daring apanan. Eta meureun minangka kakaren korona teh. Bener naker.

Tuda waragad sakola jadi mahal teh lain elmuna nu kudu dibayar, lin? Tapi keur beya itu-inih. Cing tataan naon wae? Eta, geura pek sebut hiji-hiji nu ngabalukarkeun tolab jadi mahal.

– Daftar jeung uang pangkal (acan mun nitip);
– Saragam jeung atribut lianna;
– Aya dana pengenalan;
– Ongkos;
– Jeung rea-rea deui.


Tah, kadua, buku katut alat tulis. Tuluy sok aya ekstrakurikuler nu tangtu we kudu make anggaran husus deui bae.

Katiluna, patali jeung budakna. Butuh hape, laptop, motor, pakean sejen luareun saragam. Acan duit keur jajan atawa uang saku.

Sok gunukkeun geura! Jadi gede oge geuning. Rea anu ngabirigidig. Acan bulanan, taunan, piknik misilna. Wisuda atawa paturay tineung.

Ah, pokona, mahal.

Sedeng elmuna? Duka teuing nerap duka henteu kana jero sirah budak. Sok hemeng, Den!

Make dun-den sagala atuh. Biasa bae da jeung dulur!

Keun bae basa mah da teu meuli!

Heueuh, mun basa kudu meuli beuki beurat bae sakola teh. Ari geus tamat kudu neang gawe. Geus mancen kudu…

Heup, ah!

Tah, eta nu hase ngajawabna!

Anu matak … Heup, heula!

Suryatno Suharma, ngokolakeun Yayasan Insan Basajan di Cihideung, Parongpong, Bandung Barat.

Respon (182)

  1. McMillen said that “personally I think Mewgenics will be seen as my best work,” which is quite the claim from the developer of a game as enduringly successful as The Binding of Isaac, a game that helped cement the entire roguelike genre. To back up that claim, McMillen points to a recent blog post from co-developer Tyler Glaiel. 2011’s The Binding Of Isaac was the evil, twisted twin to Spelunky – both perma-death, procedurally-generated games with superficial accessibility masking extreme precision of design and a long path to mastery. Isaac, though, went for an over-caffeinated shmup angle rather than measured puzzle-platforming. A tale of a young boy descending into a hellish world of blood, faeces and religious perversion in search of some kind of redemption, what it’s really about is surviving a horde of monsters with the help of gruesome upgrades. The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth is a new version in a new engine, with new items, art and music. It remains, uh, unsympathetic to Bible fans.
    The single-player campaign mode gives gamers a chance to experience battlefields from multiple different locations around the world. The fights are intense and the story a bit sensationalized at times, but Vanguard‘s strength is in its nonstop action. The campaign focuses on character development while keeping plenty of opportunities for FPS combat. Each character has different physical traits and abilities, so gamers can try out new skills with each character swap. Let’s start with the Pros and cons of the hard pad, something most of you probably haven’t experimented with. If I were to guess a number, I’d say over 95% of gamers use a cloth pad. Counter-Strike revolutionized video games in the 2000s. Over time, it has produced AAA games including PUBG, Valorant, Apex Legends, and others. Even though a huge base of mobile players wanted to play old-school Counter-Strike, the game was never ported for mobile devices, and even now there are so many clones of the game on Android that it’s high time we got an official game. Until then, we have Axlebolt’s Standoff 2. Of the thousands of Android counter-strike clones, only Standoff 2 did it right. The FPS experience is what makes Counter-Strike so wonderful, and Axlebolt got it. Standoff 2 is a Counter-Strike clone, but Axlebolt creators made outstanding mobile gaming adjustments.

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